It's time to move on

So, yesterday I booked my tickets back to Sweden. I'm moving back. Scary, crazy and insane haha.
It's the same feeling now as it was when I moved to England the first time, "What the hell have I got myself in to?".
It's scary to leave something that you love. It's scary to leave your job, your house and your friends.
I'll be fine and I'll be back sooner or later.
Now I got to enjoy these last few weeks in London, I'm leaving in December.
And tomorrow my sister is coming over!
So excited! Hotel weekend even for me :D
Speak soon!
Lots of love,
The Dove

We were celebrating Linda's 21st the other night. It was a great night and met some really cool new ppl.
And then the storm came....

Now I'm off to bed, I will probably write another blog later this week. Lots of things going on and my sister and her friend Johanna is coming over from Sweden on Thursday. I CAN'T WAIT!
Lots of love,
I'm living in a dream, and I hope it never ends

If you have a talent, show it. If you don't, go find it! - R.R